Before you can publish to Idealista, you have to activate Idealista in Mspecs organization unit settings for the office.
Start the activation by adding your office number from Idealista's portal in the organization unit settings In Mspecs. You can find the office number by logging into Idealista and click on the menu "configuration->integraciones->Clave para volcados (importación masiva)".
If you are an unit admin at your office, you have to start with Open Mspecs, then [1] click on your name in the right corner, [2] go into the organization unit settings. [3] Then open up your office.
[4] Go to "Services" and [5] click on the blue "+" sign to add Idealista to your services.
[6] Add Idealista Portugal or Spain by clicking on the + sign and then save on the green button.
[7] When you have added Idealista to your services, go to "External services" and click on [8] "Idealista" and copy the Idealista office number into "Token". [9] Don´t forget to save via the save button.
10. Important information! After these steps are done, the Unit admin have to email Idealistas support and tell them that you want to start publish from Mspecs to Idealista.